Corporate Partnerships

The University of Notre Dame's Online Master’s in Data Science program is interested in forming partnerships with companies and institutions to inspire the next generation of data scientists. Are you interested in partnering with Notre Dame Data Science? Take a look at the options below and let us know how we can work together. 

Employment Opportunities

Are you looking to hire data scientists? We work to connect our students and alumni with positions that best match their interests. If you have a job opportunity, we can post it on our internal discussion board or help identify the perfect candidate. For more information or to set up a meeting, please contact our Associate Director, Samantha Adamczewski.

Corporate Partnerships

We would love to be a part of developing data science experts in your workforce. If your company is interested in partnering with us, please contact us so we can learn more about your needs and see how we can help.  

Capstone Experience

In the final semester of this program, students take a capstone course that allows them to showcase the skills and knowledge they have learned throughout the program. Each student team (5-6 students) is paired with a corporate partner to solve a real-world data science question. Over the course of 14 weeks, the students work closely with your team to clean and prepare data, develop models, and produce reports that address the business question that you have tasked them with.

You can read more about the capstone experience in these articles:

How do I get involved?

If you are interested in working with our students on a capstone, please fill out the form below and download our FAQ sheet