
Data science is a complex technical field, and therefore some prerequisite training in mathematics and computer science is essential for success in this program. These prerequisites may be achieved through an undergraduate program, professional experience, recommended online self-study resources, or a combination of the above. Please note that in addition to the skills below, you need to have a bachelor's degree to apply to this program.

Mathematical Background

It is important to have knowledge of calculus to succeed in this program. To be admitted to this program, candidates should have taken at least one university-level calculus course. The course(s) should include both differentiation and integration and have a grade of a C or higher. The Admissions Committee does not consider certificates and MOOCs to be a university level course.

If you do not have a university calculus course;

  • Sign up for our Calculus Refresher by emailing or;
  • Select a university level calculus course to enroll in. If you need help identifying a course, please contact

Computational Skills

The program is built around coding data science procedures and all classes include elements of coding. Incoming students should be familiar with the principles of computational concepts. These concepts are typically taught in an Introduction to Coding course from an undergraduate degree, certificate program, or on-the-job training.

Formal training or mastery in computer science is not necessary to apply to the program.

Communication Skills

Ability to communicate clearly, coherently, and professionally in spoken and written form.

Ready to Apply?

Our application is now closed and will reopen in the fall. Click here to talk to our team about how you can be a part of the next cohort of ND Data Scientists.

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